Lett Family Statement


Justin Lett was a young man truly set apart. From Childhood until his passing, as witnessed and experienced by the innumerable amount of family and friends that will forever love him, Justin’s life on this earth, rooted in his love for Jesus and passion for people, radiated through his speech, his actions, his mind and his creativity. To all who knew him personally, and to those who will hear his story, the calling on Justin’s life is unmistakable. If only measured in the depth of relationship that Justin had with people all over the world, and affirmed again by all of us forever heartbroken by his passing, it is the friendship, the conversations, the triumphs, shared memories and the love, outliving us all and of eternal consequence, that distinguishes Justin from anyone else we will ever know, and helps make bearable his pre-mature passing into Heaven. For those of us who knew Justin, and those who will learn of him in the years to come, we are all blessed indeed, to know Justin, to love Justin, and to be loved by him. As promised by our God, we will see Justin again. And as our days pass by on earth, we can cling to that promise in faith, knowing that God is true to His word and both God and Justin are waiting for us in Heaven, yet living inside of us until our time comes, and we too are called home. Justin knew and loved his Lord mightily, a walk only made possible through the gospel, and Christ’s love for humanity. And from this relationship springs forth the source of our hope, and the foundation of Justin’s testimony, as evidenced in his personality, his joyous and vibrant spirit, his moxie and inescapable brilliance; a light shining on a path for future generations to follow; a young man’s testimony of real and authentic love, for God and for people. The endowment in Justin’s name at Valley Christian High School, the Justin Kyle Lett, “Dream Then Do in the Name of the Lord,” Memorial Scholarship, exists to glorify God and honor Justin’s life, by annually blessing a like-minded Valley Christian student who exemplifies the same internal drive, an urgency and ambition to dream big, dream often, and courageously pursue such dreams through the calling and gifts God has given them. Through this VCHS endowment we revere God and His work on the cross. Through this scholarship we affirm the recipient following in Justin’s footsteps of compassion, kindness, inspiration, and extraordinary dedication. And through this privilege to bless and serve others in honor of Justin, we celebrate Justin’s life, the consistent witness of the most beautiful person many of us will ever have the privilege of knowing, this side of Glory. Untouchable is Justin’s legacy, held safe within God’s hands, that in twenty-eight years, has made a lifetime of joy and Kingdom impact, with a sincerity, originality, realness, and honesty, that will love on in fullness and live on without end; forever carried within God’s plan as set forth by the standard and example Justin Kyle Lett has left for us all to follow, pronounced and illuminated for all to see, by the fearlessness of Justin’s heart and the generosity of his soul. Soli Deo gloria.

As children of God, we believe that Jesus died and was raised again to life, that through His life, death and resurrection, His blood has paid for our sins and paid the cost that we each owe, to therefore be in right standing with God and to enter into a saving faith relationship and fellowship with Him. We believe that when Jesus returns, God will bring with Him the believers who have passed before us,1 Thessalonians 4:13-14. The passing of our loved ones is not the end of our relationship with them, but merely an interruption. We have not lost them, and they have not lost us because we know where they are. Justin is in heaven. He is experiencing the joy of Christ's presence in a place so wonderful that Christ called it paradise. Our everlasting hope is in Jesus Christ. Until we see you again Justin, our Lord God will comfort us with His love, peace and truth, hope and wisdom, mercy and amazing grace. Soli Deo gloriaPhilippians 3:13-14

On behalf of Justin, my family and I would like to thank you for your continued outpouring of love and support for Justin and our family, during this most difficult time. We have known the faithfulness of your supplications to God on our behalf, and have experienced Gods power through your prayers and words of sympathy and encouragement. We are humbled by your love for Justin and for your commitment to honoring him. Thank you for being a blessing in his life while he was with us here on earth, and for your overwhelming gestures of compassion to our family.

Because of your generous donations through Justin’s GoFundMe page, (link on the Take Action tab), Justin’s family has been able to establish an endowment at Samford University in honor of Justin and his love for God, people, and the gift that is life. In the Spring of 2019, the Justin Kyle Lett, “Dream Then Do in the Name of the Lord,” Memorial Scholarship, was presented for its inaugural year. Our prayer is that the scholarship serves each year to bless the life of the student whom receives it, and fosters within them a fearless heart, like Justin’s heart. We pray that each scholarship recipient student knows that they are loved by God, their creator, and will have a growing relationship with Him. We hope through Justin’s scholarship that each student will feel emboldened to fully embrace their calling, to recognize their God-given ability, and to understand without apprehension that they are free and called to dream big, dream often, and to pursue those God-given creative pursuits with integrity, honor, relentlessness, unwavering conviction, and love… always dreaming, then doing, in the Name of the Lord.

Justin truly lived with passion for every moment, cultivating relationships, investing in those people, and making precious memories with beautiful and eternal consequences in all our lives. Justin graduated with honors from Samford University in 2011, with a double major in marketing and entrepreneurship. He had the innate natural giftedness to imagine and create, a gift he was steadily harnessing. “Dream then Do, in the Name of the Lord,” is only appropriate for his website, because this combination of words, he himself dreamt up, penned, and consistently lived out every day with compassion, dedication and joy.

In 2019, the Justin Kyle Lett, “Dream then Do, in the Name of the Lord,” Memorial Scholarship was also established at Justin’s high school, Valley Christian High School, in Chandler Arizona, to honor of our beautiful son, and it has awarded a scholarship to a VCHS student, each year since created. We look forward to celebrating Justin’s life through his memorial scholarship for many years to come, and are grateful for the VCHS staff and faculty, who have made this possible. We are blessed by and thankful for the wonderful students, teachers, parents and alumni that are Valley Christian, a special high school and special season of life that Justin cherished very much. Justin’s life continues to impact many, and his story is being used to Turn Darkness Into Light.

As the family of Justin, we ask that you continue to honor Justin by living as he did, with intentionality and purpose. Most of all, we ask that you live for God and love Him with all you have. And we also request that you love well, love God, your family and friends, as Justin did with his whole heart, and that you seek to Win The Day, every day, for the Lord. Please continue to pray for us as we continue down this new journey with you. Thank you for all your prayers, love, and support, and your acts of kindness that have helped sustain us during this time. We are grateful for all you have done and continue to do for Justin and our family. Above else we thank God for His mercies and grace, strength and sovereignty over all of life. We praise Jesus for His love, His goodness, His salvation, and for giving up His own life that all who come to Him, may be saved and set free.

Father, we look forward to the day when your will shall be done in fullness on earth as it is in Heaven. The empty tomb is the ultimate proof that Christ's resurrected body was the same body that died on the cross, paving the way to personal relationship and eternal life with you, Christ Jesus our Lord, God, and Savior. “He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree so that we might die to sin and live for righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.” 1 Peter 2:24

On behalf of our beautiful son, Justin Kyle Lett, thank you for your love, your kindness, and for all the beautiful memories shared. Until we are all together again, Soli Deo gloria.

The Lett Family

Summer 2024

“Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” Colossians 3:1-4